We invite you to exhibit locally made quilts (bed size, art quilts, wall hangings, or miniatures), quilted clothing & other quilted items at the MAC facility at 120 N. Third Avenue in Chatsworth, GA during our 8th annual quilt exhibit.
REGISTRATION: There is no fee to exhibit quilts, and we welcome quilters of all abilities - beginners to advanced. To exhibit, please complete a registration form AND an inventory sheet and send to MAC via email: murrayartscouncil@gmail.com. *Registrations forms can be found here: https://www.murray-arts.com/forms
We will also accept registration forms during the quilt drop-off.
QUILT DROP OFF: You may drop items to exhibit during the following dates:
Friday, Oct. 4th from 1pm - 4pm
Saturday, Oct. 5th from 10 am-2pm
Sunday, Oct. 6th from 2pm-5pm
You may Google our address (120 N. Third Avenue, Chatsworth, GA 30705) for directions. In short, we are located on Hwy 411 (also known as Third Avenue) right across from the Murray County Courthouse.
EXHIBIT SHOW TIMES: The quilts will be on exhibit during the following dates and times.
Saturday, Oct. 12th from 10am - 4pm
Sunday, Oct. 13th from 1pm - 4pm
Saturday, Oct. 19th from 10am - 4pm
Sunday, Oct. 20th from 1pm - 4pm
Quilts will be available for pick-up Sunday, Oct. 20th from 5pm - 7pm, or by appointment.
For additional information, email Amy Osborne at mom31257@gmail.com or MAC at murrayartscouncil@gmail.com.
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